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Multi-discipline company with consultancy specialised in nuclear waste management services. With over 35 years of experience in nuclear waste disposal, company provides a complete range of solutions for nuclear waste management as well as specific research and engineering design services for nuclear waste disposal.

Provides geotechnical testing and measurements, both on-site and in the laboratory, from standardized tests to highly customized setups. Leading experience in tests to prove performance of engineered barrier solutions and materials.

Areas of core competence

Site Selection,Site Characterisation,Repository Technology,Cost Estimation, Conceptual Design, Long Term Safety, Safety Case,Licensing Support, Layout Design, Rock Engineering, Host Rock Classification, Engineered Barrier Systems, Buffer & Backfill, Foreign Material Estimation, Monitoring, Biosphere Assessment, Requirement Management, Description of Disposal System


Key Clients: Posiva, TVO, Fennovoima, SKB, NND, SURAO, KORAD, KEPCO E&C, NDA
Key Projects: Olkiluoto SNF Repository, Onkalo URL and LILW (VLJ) facilities in Finland, Forsmark HLW repository in Sweden, Wolsong LILW Repository in South Korea, National Radwaste Facility, Norway


ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 17025
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